Thursday, September 23, 2010

Blog 1.3 My place in the Cave

I recently read the story of "The Allegory of the Cave" written by Plato one of Socrates students. The Parable was told to a man name Glaucon by Socrates himself. As I read the parable it was very confusing in many different ways but it made me think a lot so that was a good thing. As I read the parable and even saw a short film acting it out, it began to pump the juices in my brain. This short story that Socrates creates so well had me thinking about my own life and how it compared to his weird description of the cave or den to put in his words exactly. At times in my life I feel chained and bond to what’s in front of me, even if it’s something better for me I still might just stay in those shackles. Mainly being that I am use to them and might be afraid of change. But yeah let me get back to the questions at hand which are, at what stage are you? Still chained? Looking around in amazement at the shadows that are created for us? Walking out into the light? Trying to help people get free?
It took me a while to decide what stage I felt that I was still stuck in. But I choose to believe that I am walking out into the light. Because I was once chained into seeing many things in a plain or ordinary way, to better explain what I’m trying to say I will use my education and the level I feel I’m in. From kinder garden all the way to the twelve grade the education system taught me a watered down peace of nothing. So at that time in my life I would say I was still chained while looking around in amazement at the shadows that the school created for me to learn. Not knowing that there was so much more to what my beautiful mind could accomplish to what it could learn. Then when I finally got freed from my chains and walked into the light meaning that I graduated from high school. I learned that there was so much more there was a higher education out there for me at a hefty price (L.O.L) but that’s when my eyes were open to the world that I’m hoping is real this time. I would like to reach the next stage and try to help as much people get free and feel this wonderful knowledge that I now obtain, but that’s another story.
And to answer the last questions “how do you know where you are?” “What evidence in your life supports your claim that you are where you are?”  I feel no one truly knows where they are in there life only God can answer that question. But I can give it a try, I think I’m walking out into the light because there are many people that were like me that graduated high school but never went or made it to College which is the higher education I’m talking about. Just the fact that I’m in college writing this blog is evidence itself that I am where I am. I truly feel that Socrates story tries to make the reader think and not just conform to what is always in front of you, you should go out of the cave and seek knowledge.
This is Luis speaking representing "ARTISTIC ROYALS" so please stay safe stay beautiful.

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