Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Blog 4.4 My CAT test

Luis Palacio
Today is Friday the 3rd and yesterday was a very stressful day for me because I had to take my CAT test. But I am so relieved now that it is over, and I can go back to the usually. When I woke up that morning all my thoughts were focus on those couple of hours even though I had two classes before the test. But I knew I was fully prepared for the test because I saw my improvements on a weekly basis and I had one heck of a good teacher. He taught me so much and I was just so anxious to get it over with. I remember going over everything I remembered for the test and I kept telling myself “Luis you got to pass, you’re going to pass” like a million times throughout the day.
  By the time the test was over I realized that I had nothing to worry about. I felt confident that I would get the highest grade in my class from the way I felt I did on that test. I finished under a good amount of time but I went over that thing twice, I wasn’t trying to lose not one point for anything that I could have corrected. I can’t wait till tomorrow  I plan to go online every second to check if I passed even though I know I did, I still want to see it to give myself that confidence boost that I greatly need.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

blog 4.3 CAT "The Shallows"

The Shallows: What the internet is doing to our brains
In an article I recently read titled “The Shallows: What the Internet is doing to Our Brains” written by Nicholas Carr. He talks about how Google to him is making people stupid. And he gives some good points to why he makes such a statement. He goes into what makes us as humans intelligent, and he states that it is by thinking deeply on whatever information you are trying to learn about. Mr. Carr also talks about what could be distractions when you are trying to gain knowledge.
While reading the article that Nicholas Carr courageously released about Google he asked a question. Is Google making us stupid? And my claim is that I agree with him, it is making us stupid and should be used less and for more serious needs. Even though my opinion is that Google is making us stupid I got to admit that I use it about ten times a day and I like it very much. But the evidence that Mr. Carr talks about in his article opened my eyes. It also worries me that Google is doing many things to our minds and I know it wasn’t there intention to be a huge distraction for a great multitude of people.
When I read the article and saw what really makes us intelligent is our ability to think deeply about the information we are trying to learn about, that was so simple and so true. Mr. Carr talks about how brain Scientist has discovered that; that can only happen when our minds are calm and attentive. And you got to be honest with yourself when you’re on Google or on your cell phone you most likely would not be calm and attentive. Cause when I’m doing home work online and use Google for a little fast help I end up getting distracted from what I was doing because I would just keep going deeper and deeper into the links of whatever got my attention. Nicholas Carr even talks about it when he says “that’s the problem with Google and with the internet in general. When we use our computers and cell phones all the time, we’re always distracted”.
I feel that Google is making us stupid because I tend to look around me and see that when I’m in school some students have trouble thinking in class. Let’s say the teacher asks a questions it is always the same two or three students that answers mostly because they are very good thinkers and as Mr. Carr says “The greater our concentration, the richer our thoughts” and those good thinkers are very calm and attentive and therefore can give answers and debate with the teacher. I remember one time my class was asked a question that was hard and I had a thought why not Google the answer. It’s funny cause I even saw someone doing what I had thought sitting next to me Googling the answer. I was being one of those people distracting myself from deep thinking and trying to find the information quickly. I was depriving myself from gaining intelligence.
As I said in my claim Google should be used less and for more serious needs. Because if you’re trying to get work done you shouldn’t be on Google unless you have to find an answer you can’t seem to answer. You should just turn off your cell phone and sit somewhere quite to concentrate on your work because you will keep getting texts or calls that will distract you. And as Nicholas Carr said “if we’re distracted, we understand less, remember less, and learn less”.  After reading this article I plan to truly do my best to focus and not use Google so much because I agree with Mr. Carr when he says that “it’s also encouraging us to think superficially. We don’t even bother nowadays to try and understand our work we just Google it up and rite the answer. We all need to understand that we’re making it a necessity in our lives. Just imagine you have a major test one day and you never really focused but got most of your answer from Google for the class work. And when you’re there with that pen in your hands and that blank sheet you’re going to be sitting there all scatterbrained as Mr. Carr puts it wishing you could go on Google for help.
To conclude my essay I want to point out the last paragraph in the article “The Shallows” when Nicholas says “you’ll never Google your way to brilliance” it’s funny but very true. He ends his article by telling you if you’re interested in developing your mind you should turn off your computer and cell; and just begin to think, really thinking.  That is how I choose to end mines also go out in the world and think, really think deeply to whatever it is your thinking about.

Monday, November 15, 2010

CAT 5 blog 4.2

Luis Palacio
I read an article written by Larry Rosen called “Rewired: Understanding the iGeneration and the Way They Learn”. In it he states “that most children and teens spend so much time “plugged in” and this causes health problems including obesity. Then he begins to talk about School work and technology and how the internet and mobile devices should be used as teaching tools. I agree with what he is saying about technology being used to better help school kids with their work.
Rosen talks about how the use of these technological devices causes health problems but it is a need in school when it comes to teaching. I feel that kids and teens should be allowed only four hours of tech time each day. And by doing so can help them do their work and decrease the percentage of any health problems occurring.
To me Larry Rosen's main ideas of this article was to state how technologies are needed as teaching tools, and how it causes health problems if you are plugged into them for too long. I feel that his formula for the problem is off. If you ask me thirty minutes of non-tech work being done followed by one hour of tech work being done, nothing at all will get done. I say this mainly because I was once a kid, and if I did home work for thirty minutes then was allowed an hour to do some of it online. I would spend the online time chatting with my friend instead of doing my home work. That is why I feel that kids and teens should be allowed only four hours of tech time each day. Two hours for school work and two for their social life. If you give them such a little amount of time to chat and stuff with their friends they are going to use their school work time for chatting like I did. By giving them a good amount time to do both you will increase their work productivity. They will most likely concentrate on their school work to get it over with so that they can have a little more time being “plugged in” as Rosen stated.
And to discuss one of his main issues about being “plugged in” for too long leading to health problems; I will say this again that is why I recommend four hours of tech time. I remember my brother always on the computer watching movies and playing games, then at the end of the day he will tell my mom his eyes hurt. When we took him to the doctor we found out that he needed glasses for straining his eyes so much from being in front of that monitor. Only if he had four hours of being plugged in two for school work and two for fun, he wouldn’t be looking like a geek with his huge glasses. Also by decreasing the amount of time being allowed to be plugged into your computer, you probably would be doing something more energetic; meaning playing in the park instead of sitting and eating junk that would lead to obesity. I had a very intelligent little cousin that did all his work in school and by the time he got home he was playing games online. He wasn’t given a limit to how long he could stay plugged in so that was all he did. Two months went by and he gained 17 pounds, then his mom started to cut his tech time an encouraged him to go outside and play. But by then it was too late because he was use to it. You wouldn’t want to see my cousin now he is extremely Obese. So please parents out there set a good time for your kids and enforce it. That is one way you can help them with their school work and make sure they are staying healthy.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

newschool099: CATW # 5

newschool099: CATW # 5: " In the article ' How to do One Thing at a Time' by Nancy Jones in Women's health magazine, the author begins to explain that a lar..."

I feel that you had a clear responce to the article you wrote about and you summarized it well. You had a good claim that agrees with the author and also states your own. I feel your essay has a good structured order. When it comes to Language you did ok but you could do better, your sentences and word choice can cause you to lose points if you don't work on it. And the same goes for your grammar and mechanics. My opinion overall is that you did a great job and this essay is a definite pass if you ask me.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Blog 3.5 CATW#4

Luis palacio
Let Them Eat Fat
As I began to read an article called Let Them Eat Fat, it opened my eyes on the things we eat in our communities. People should just eat fat as the title of the article talks about, because what we are doing to ourselves is very bad. People should eat more home cook meals then fast food meals.
As I read the article written by Greg Critser I realized that what he said is so true. When he talks about how striving Americans target poor inner-city communities, and how one out of every four hamburgers sold by McDonalds is now being purchased by inner-city consumers who are mostly young black men. He also shows what is happening when we eat so much of the fast food meals with the total caloric content being pushed up pass the daily levels we should be on.
I feel that everyone should eat more home cook meals than fast food meals because it might be way healthier depending on what you’re cooking. At home you can cook more protein-rich food instead of it being protein-poor and fat-rich. You can save more money than you would if you cook meals at home because it will last for a couple of days. And that means less spending if you got something to eat with you.
You got to realize that what Greg Critser is saying is for your benefit. You shouldn’t eat so much fast food meals. And realize that we are being targeted because of our need for cheap meals outside the home. Growing up being in the same situation I fully understand why we buy fast food because that’s all we can buy at times. But if you’re going to be subject into eating these fatty foods at least make a stand and fight for these fast food restaurants to make healthier food.
Reading this article made me more aware of what I should be eating, especially the last sentence of it when Critser said “the fact that the easy availability of these huge meals arrives in the same years in which physical activity among teenage boys and girls drop about half”. That sentence right there made me recall a show I watched a long time ago. About a man that ate McDonalds 30 days straight to show people what the effects are when eating so much fast food. When he began this little project of his to show the world the effect it was amazing. If I’m not mistaken he gain 40 pound in just one month of eating McDonalds. He showed us the proof we needed to believe it really was a problem. Teenage boys and girls should be physically active in school and home but instead they are just eating fat.
To conclude I feel that we need to focus on eating healthier cooked meals than what we get at these fast food restaurants. We should realize the fact that if we are in these inner-city communities what is going on around us and how it affects us. And as Greg Critser said “suffice it to say that consumption of said meals is fast and, in almost every instance I observe, very complete.” We still should focus on eating complete meals that are healthy and not protein-poor but fat and carbohydrate-rich.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Blog 3.4 Summary of the Meatrix

The Meatrix
The Meatrix is about a young pig name Leo Ham-derson that is living in a fantasy farm. He is then giving a chance to learn about the real world where he is in a Factory farm. Leo gets to see the truth on how most eggs, milk products, and meat come from; from being in a factory farm. He learns about greedy corporations and how they began to modify sustainable family farming to maximize profits. And in these factory farms there is a lot of animal cruelty, where the animals are being abused in many ways. They fight amongst each other, some animals get debeeked, they are being overdosed with antibiotics. The animals are surrounded in there excretions, leading to massive pollution to the community that surrounds the factory.
The Meatrix 2 Revolting

The Meatrix 2 Revolting begins by showing the progress they have made in the past 2 years of making people aware of where their food products comes from and how they are a healthier choice. In this film it also goes deeper into the way animals are being treated. They show how they spend their whole life basically in one spot doing one thing; they also show how the animals are being pumped with artificial growth hormones called RBGH. It is being used even though in other countries like Canada and the European Union banned it, it also shows how animals can get mad cow disease by feeding on the dead animal instead of the milk they need.

The Meatrix 2 and a Half
In the last film we are giving a quick recap of what was learned so far. Then it goes into the processing facilities. It talks about how the factories can process five thousand cows in a day; just to feed our fast food nation. They also begin to talk about the dangerous working conditions and how meat packing is the most dangerous job in the nation. Then they show us how E coli comes about from the processing facilities trying to work so fast without making sure everything is clean.

The Meatrix 360
While reading the article in the Interactive 360 I found that these industrial farms are no good. They continue to produce food that is harmful to our health and they are affecting the local economies, community and environment. These large industrial farms tend to make claims that they will support the local economies by investing in the communities and creating new jobs but they seem to the opposite. They are also affecting the people that are in the community because   the pollution they spew into the air and the water is having a dangerous affect. I read that they spread air pollutants like hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, and a whole lot of animal poo.  It also talked about how these large farms also often pollute local water sources, mainly through the release of nitrates and nitrites from chemical fertilizers. A study of almost 2,000 wells across the country showed that 9 percent of domestic wells and 2 percent of public-supply wells had nitrate concentrations in excess of the EPA’s maximum contaminant level. Nitrate poisoning can cause dangerously low blood-oxygen levels in babies (or blue-baby syndrome), spontaneous abortions, and possibly cancer. This is a huge problem in rural communities, because rural Americans depend on ground-water and domestic wells. These Large farms need to do something about everything that they are doing in those farms. They need to make a lot of changes that will truly benefit the community that they surround. And the people that are being affecting by this need to continue to fight because if something doesn’t change it will continue to get worse. I thank God for this website because this is a great start to make people more aware of what is going on in the rural areas that these large industrial farms are hurting and to everyone that continue to support them by buying their products.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

blog 3.3 cat 3

As I began to read this article it saddens me to know that someone took his own life for whatever the reasons were. If he got caught doing something that to him he felt was wrong he shouldn’t have been doing it in the first place, and by getting caught just deal with it the consequences the right way not take his own life.  I feel that those responsible should pay for their crime to the fullest extent, because what they did was wrong and illegal. While I read the article “The Net is The Real World” by Jake Simms and Larry Magid I found some good claims that some of the interviewees made. The most important points to me was what Anne Collier said that this story “is not about technology, but inhumanity”, and when Greg Sandoval stated that humans, not machines, are responsible for Clementi’s death. Another point that is good is that Cyber bullies can inflict mental anguish that can hurt worse than physical wounds.
I’m still in shock that an 18 year old boy is gone from this earth because of someone else’s pleasure. I feel that Ravi Dharun should face the maximum penalty for the New Jersey privacy laws that he broke, mainly because Ravi won’t face any time for Clementi being dead even though he is mainly to blame for it. As for Molly Wei I feel shouldn’t get as much time to me because she couldn’t have stopped Ravi from playing the video on his twitter. If you ask me she wasn’t involved in doing none of that but she was just with Ravi, she was at the wrong place at the wrong time.
When Collier and Sandoval stated their claims saying it’s not about technology, but inhumanity and that human, not machines, are responsible for Clementi’s death. I feel that it is totally true nothing in this story made me think about technology I just was focused on how humans treat each other. I wonder why would Ravi do such a thing, he must have really hated his roommate to do such an inhumane thing. Even though technology was used as a way of starting this whole thing it was the human Ravi that push the machine buttons to do so. Ravi to me is the reason Clementi is dead.
The psychology professor John Suler hit it right on point when he talks about Disinhibition, where people say and do things in cyberspace that they wouldn’t regularly do in the face to face world. And to me it relates to my last point where Cyber bullies can inflict mental anguish that can hurt worse than physical wounds. I felt that Ravi was a one of those people, because he would have never thought that Clementi would take his life. To me Ravi was what John Suler called disinhibition because he wouldn’t have gone with a video camera and tried to record Clementi and then post it on twitter.
Ravi is the top cyber bully of 2010. I feel that Ravi Dharun should get the highest time possible in jail so that people from all over the world know that you shouldn’t be a cyber bully and do such inhumane things thinking you’re going to get away with it.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Blog 4.1 Personal Electronic Devices

Personal Electronic Devices
I feel that personal electronic devices like cell phones and IPods messes up a student chances to pass their class.
If you’re in college, high school or any grade I feel you should focus on your class work. And do your best not to fall into that temptation of using your electronic device whatever kind it may be. My reason being is that a student will focus on a text rather than on the board. When I was in high school I would always try my best to answer my text to get to know a girl that I liked at the time. I would miss major points the teacher stated while I was texting.
A student would even go outside the class room to answer their phone. Trust and believe if a student is bored in class and a friend calls they most likely will ask for a bathroom pass and go talk up a storm in the bathroom while class is going on. I feel they should continue to raise money to get metal detectors in every school so that students don’t try to sneak their personal electronics in school even if they feel  we are doing it to burden them it is only for their benefit.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Coppertop Artifact pt 1

Coppertop Artifact pt 1
The first thing that I chose to be my artifact was a song that is very confusing but good at the same time. And it’s called “Closer” by Kings of Leon, and I feel that this best represents some type of artificiality of modern life. I will do my best to describe how and why the artifact that I chose indicates that the world is, or may be, an illusion. So before I begin please take just about 4 minutes to listen to the song so that you can understand where I’m coming from.
Stranded in the spooky town
Stop lights are swaying and the phone lines are down
The floor is crackling cold
She took my heart, I think, she took my soul
With the moon I run
Far from the carnage of the fiery sun
Driven by the strangle of veins
Showing me no mercy, I'd do it again
Open up your eyes
you keep on crying, baby, I'll bleed you dry
the skies they blink at me
I see a storm bubbling up from the sea
and it's coming closer
and it's coming closer

Your shimmy shook my bones
leaving me stranded all in love on my own
Do you think of me?
Where am I now, baby, where do I sleep?
It feels so good but I am old
Two thousand years of chasing taking its toll
And it's coming closer
And it's coming closer
And it's coming closer
And it's coming closer
In this song to me it describes how messed up this world is and it talks about an emptiness feeling and that the way it once was isn’t no more. In a part of the song he says “the skies they blink at me” maybe suggesting that the world he is talking about in this song is not real because he is being watched above from the skies meaning probably a god like ruler watching his every move. But you can get a million things out of this song if you sit and actually think. To me towards the end of this song he is truly talking about a lost love or something that to him might have been his world until it was flipped upside down.

Blog 2.1 My Archetype

My Archetype

While in class I learned about Archetypes and read many articles on it and people’s views about archetypes. From the test I took to discover my archetype I found out that I am a Wanderer, and my second and third strongest archetypes are Orphan and Warrior. Most of the research I did on the wanderer it had me thinking a lot. Mainly from what I read it related to me and how I feel most of the time and then I read some negatives of being a wanderer and I didn’t like it. I read an article that said “As a wanderer, we’re looking for something different, a new answer. So we set out on a new course, away from our normal consolations, on a path into the unknown.”

The wanderer is a lone wolf, preferring isolation to gather his own thoughts. I chose this picture of Jacob from the movie twilight because it relates to one of the articles I read about a wanderer where they said that the wanderer is someone on a journey like a traveler, a prince, a knight seeking something like treasure, the goal, the holy grail that will lend meaning or fulfillment to life and remove its sense of disjointedness. The negative is that the wanderer is often labeled as a sad and lonely individual who is seeking an internal place of tranquility through travel in the external world. And Jacob was lonely and sad mainly because he wanted Bella that is where his internal place of tranquility would be. She would lend meaning or fulfillment to his life is she would be with him. A wanderer may also manifest as someone who never completes anything, or sees things through full cycle.  The positive side of this energy is very rich, however, and can lead a person to explore other countries and traditions. In this instance the Wanderer learns that the journey itself empowers well at least that is what I read about the wanderer.

Some one that was both a Wanderer and an Orphan to me was Link from Zelda and for those of you who do not know what I’m talking about shame on you L.O.L.

 If you don’t recognize the picture by now then let me just tell you, this is Link from a video game for Nintendo. The Legends of Zelda series for Nintendo Link was to me all my archetypes in one. He was and Orphan that became a Wanderer leading him to become a Warrior. He wandered all around his world and even through time to save his Princess the thing to me that was his meaning of living. She was his answer to everything, and I feel that I’m like Link in some ways because I felt lost and lonely at times but I got tired of it and began looking for my answers that I desperately wanted answered. So I went on this life long journey each and every day to find that one thing that I felt was missing in my life. During this journey of mine I became a warrior from fighting for my life so many times when I encountered danger. Through this voyage of mine I finally found what I was looking for and it was God and I found out that he was always with me but it took my long empowering journey to find that out

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Blog 2.2 The Truman Syndrome

Truman Syndrome Diagnosed
As I read the article on the Truman Syndrome I was in shock. In my twenty years of life I have never heard of something like this. I have read about people having delusions and even saw movies with the stars being delusional or having a heavy case of schizophrenia. But growing up through all that I’ve never heard of people having delusions believing that their on a reality television show. That had me thinking a lot because I tend to joke about stuff like that, for example one time I saw Lion King and after the movie was over I pretended to be a lion and pounced on my sister. But to find out that it is happening to people, I couldn’t imagine how crazy it would be if I truly believed I was a lion and really attacked my sister.  After reading the article and seeing what the psychiatrists, scientists, and philosopher all had to say. I began to try an answer their questions, and claims that they made. One question asked in the article to simply put in my own words said “Is the Truman Syndrome just a new version of an old paranoid or big delusion or is it something totally new in our culture?”  And another claim stating that culture and technology can have an effect on people making them delusional.
When I think about the Truman Syndrome I truly feel that it is far from being just a new twist on an old paranoid or grand delusion. But I also wonder is it something new that is beginning to occur now in our generation due to our culture. And can ones culture and technology have an effect on people that may already have schizophrenic behaviors.
 I believe that the Truman Syndrome is something new that we are facing in our culture and it isn’t just a new version of an old problem. I chose my answer mainly because of society today. To me you got to look at how society is now and how it looked twenty years earlier. And realize that the Truman Syndrome is happening now because of our culture and technology. Back then when we really didn’t have the internet and most people didn’t even have televisions like that; and a person with schizophrenic illnesses would just show symptoms of being crazy with whatever case of it that they had. So back then you couldn’t try to connect this syndrome with the way our society was and make it seem like it have something to do with our culture.
In the article I read some of the scientist and Doctors made a claim stating that culture and technology can have an effect on people making them delusional. I agree with this claim but not one hundred percent. To me if you already are a person with a schizophrenic background this might sometimes give a little bit of fuel to the fire that’s already blazing. But I choose to believe that; that isn’t always the case it may not always be because of the culture or technology it can be problems they are facing at home or in the streets. For example abusive parents or boyfriend, or something as drugs that takes a toll on the family. My opinion is that culture and technology can have effects on some people making them delusional, but not that much of a percentage if you ask me.
I believe that society itself meaning all of us need to come up with ways were we can catch people with symptoms of these psychiatric illnesses beforehand. So that when it comes to a point and time in their lives when they are on the web and using all these technological things don’t further engross themselves in it and fall into these crazy delusions. The only thing I can say about our culture is that where ever we are, and there is a certain culture most likely we are part of it. That’s something we will just have to deal with. I just hope since we are somehow affecting people by our culture and technology that we will be willing to put and effort to help the people that are pressured by it and do more to help make the world more aware of the Truman Syndrome.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Blog 1.4 Welcome to TRUMANIA

Welcome to Trumania
I sit here in front of the computer watching the screen having just seen the “Truman Show”. I believe it was my second time watching it and I don’t remember it being so funny and sad at the same time. I don’t even remember it making me think so much. I’m starting to wonder if the screen I’m looking into as I type has a camera looking back at me. I sit here and wonder what could happen if everything around me wasn’t real but I was the only one that was. I would hope that I’m wrong cause I have a very creative mind and it takes off to high at times and I end up in space, and it’s very hard to get back down to reality. While I was thinking about everything that is possible from me watching this movie I came up with a question. What would you do if you discovered that you are in the same situation as Truman? Would you stay in that fantasy or decide to run to the exit? I feel that the “Truman Show” relates to everyone in many different ways. It definitely relates to me in a lot of ways. I feel we are all being watch by God and this world was just created for us but there is a world far bigger than the one we are in. And our minds are sometimes trapped in our own little world that doesn’t really allow us to see the bigger things.

Throughout the movie I feel that Truman been began to open up his mind to a bigger picture that was far greater than the little one he knew in Seahaven. He wanted to be free even before he knew that he was trap in a town where he was constantly being watched, and everything around him wasn’t real but orchestrated just for him. He wanted to be an explorer but was being held back by what he believes to be coincidence but truly was the god of Seahaven. One thing that was funny to me was his neighbor that always held the Garbage bin up to record him. That had me laughing every time I saw it because they could have gave the old guy a simple camera but I guess he ate his spinach. But let me get back to the essay, I could imagine everything that he went through probably would have drove me crazy.

If I was going by each day of my life in the same routine waking up, freshening up and heading into the world that I loved so much. And then it turns out that I was being watch and my hole life was a scam, I honestly would stay in that world that I was use to. Only because I was use to it and I would be afraid to see what’s in the outside of the world I knew. I would also love the fact that everything revolves around me, that every body basically have to treat me nice and my wife have to do what I want. I’m starting to like the thought of me being in the Truman show. But this isn’t a movie of me being watch as a show this Is real life so I will do my best to live it to the best of my ability.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Blog 1.3 My place in the Cave

I recently read the story of "The Allegory of the Cave" written by Plato one of Socrates students. The Parable was told to a man name Glaucon by Socrates himself. As I read the parable it was very confusing in many different ways but it made me think a lot so that was a good thing. As I read the parable and even saw a short film acting it out, it began to pump the juices in my brain. This short story that Socrates creates so well had me thinking about my own life and how it compared to his weird description of the cave or den to put in his words exactly. At times in my life I feel chained and bond to what’s in front of me, even if it’s something better for me I still might just stay in those shackles. Mainly being that I am use to them and might be afraid of change. But yeah let me get back to the questions at hand which are, at what stage are you? Still chained? Looking around in amazement at the shadows that are created for us? Walking out into the light? Trying to help people get free?
It took me a while to decide what stage I felt that I was still stuck in. But I choose to believe that I am walking out into the light. Because I was once chained into seeing many things in a plain or ordinary way, to better explain what I’m trying to say I will use my education and the level I feel I’m in. From kinder garden all the way to the twelve grade the education system taught me a watered down peace of nothing. So at that time in my life I would say I was still chained while looking around in amazement at the shadows that the school created for me to learn. Not knowing that there was so much more to what my beautiful mind could accomplish to what it could learn. Then when I finally got freed from my chains and walked into the light meaning that I graduated from high school. I learned that there was so much more there was a higher education out there for me at a hefty price (L.O.L) but that’s when my eyes were open to the world that I’m hoping is real this time. I would like to reach the next stage and try to help as much people get free and feel this wonderful knowledge that I now obtain, but that’s another story.
And to answer the last questions “how do you know where you are?” “What evidence in your life supports your claim that you are where you are?”  I feel no one truly knows where they are in there life only God can answer that question. But I can give it a try, I think I’m walking out into the light because there are many people that were like me that graduated high school but never went or made it to College which is the higher education I’m talking about. Just the fact that I’m in college writing this blog is evidence itself that I am where I am. I truly feel that Socrates story tries to make the reader think and not just conform to what is always in front of you, you should go out of the cave and seek knowledge.
This is Luis speaking representing "ARTISTIC ROYALS" so please stay safe stay beautiful.

blog 1.2

coming soon

blog 1.1 The role of Technology in my life

The role of Technology in my life

As I sit down with my cell phone in my hand, I tend to think about technology. What's the role of technology in my life? If I had to answer immediately I would say not a big role in my life. But that's not the case, even though I feel that way it plays a major role in my life.
The reason technology has such a major role in my life is due to the things I do. And my surroundings like the stuff I use daily. If my love ones wants to get in touch with me they would have to call my cell phone. Not only because of the distance between us, but mainly cause my family and friends are lazy when it comes to traveling. When it comes to school I most likely have to do research online for home work. But if I didn't have to bother with all that research stuff and doing home work like math online. I probably wouldn't be on a computer as often as I have to be.
The type of technologies I interact with every day are to much to write down in so little amount of time. So the ones I write are those that I use a lot. I use cell phones, my ipod, my desktop computer, printers and scanners, my automobile, calculators, watches, my USB drive, vending machines of many sorts. The list goes on with the technologies that I interact with on a daily basis. Even though in the beginning of this essay I started it off by putting technology down in some way. I would shutter with fear of the thought of it all being gone if I woke up the next day. My life would change dramatically if I was suddenly without these devices. I would have to go see my girl friend everyday and since there is no technology that means no trains, so that means me walking a lot of miles. Don't get me wrong I would try to do it but that would be very hard. I like writing poetry and performing it as a spoken word. I usually write it down on my ipod, so that I don't forget. So it would be hard for me to write with out it.
Lets say there wasn't technology out here the way it is. Picture me wanting to chill and play ball with my friends. I would have to send a missive on some one with a horse and a back pack just to relay the message and date. So hopefully they get it and be there, and I wouldn't even know if they got it. I believe that I am very dependent on these technological devices and it is a bad thing to me cause I don't want to always be dependent on one thing. But what can I say people this is what is needed in the world now just like how money makes the world go round we can say the same for technology. This is Luis from "ARTISTIC ROYALS" as I like to say stay safe stay beautiful.